Monday, January 4, 2016

A Never-Ending New Year's Resolution

"Ya know if I had actually stuck to my New Year's Resolution for the past 8 years, I'd probably be in the Olympics by now!" -me

Doing the splits...seems like an attainable goal for a 9 year old in gymnastics...but now at 22, having never done the splits, I just don't know what the odds are.

Summer Olympics (and winter) are just about my favorite thing in the world to watch. I cancel all plans, explain to my friends that my schedule is completely booked, and then watch as many events as I can, while recording the ones I miss...I used to dream and admire and slightly wish to be all the amazing gymnasts I would watch on TV...I still am floored by half (well...more like all) the things they can do.

I don't remember the exact day or time...but at some point I made it my goal to be able to do the splits. I was determined. I was going to do what it took...stretch and stretch and stretch some more while learning the proper technique to do perfect and graceful splits (considering my name means Gazelle)...well, New Years came around (8 years ago), and it seemed like the perfect Resolution -- to do the splits. New Years Day I looked up a stretching plan, found pictures, and stretched on my floor for a good 10 minutes...ha... Day 2 came and stretched for about 7 1/2 minutes, and by the third day, I was down to a good 30 seconds just to say that I did it. ............and then the next New Years came....and the next. Here we are in 2016.......and my poor little legs have never once been able to do the splits. this year I say, maybe this is the year?! Or maybe I will just watch the gymnasts this summer and ooh and aww and live vicariously through them until I one day complete my New Year's Resolution....

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