Saturday, August 10, 2013

Life at the Ranch

I couldn't think of a better way to spend six weeks of my summer than at Pine Cove Ranch in Tyler, Texas. Pine Cove is a ministry that I feel blessed to be a part of and have grown to love. I had the opportunity to serve as Assistant Work Crew Director this summer and boy did I love it. It was so different than being a counselor last summer, but I really did love every minute. I got to spend time with all the counselors as they came through on Work Crew. It is such a fun and beneficial week for the counselors as they get to debrief, reflect, and renew themselves for their next few cabins while serving and encouraging the counselors that have campers that week. I got to live with the Work Crew girls each week, which was always so much fun. I loved getting so close with the staff this summer - it made it about a million times harder to leave at the end of six weeks.

Sweet Apple Tea. A name that has become very dear to my heart.

I learned so much this summer. I learned a lot about myself and my strengths and weaknesses. It was neat to look at this summer and this leadership position as a spring board for this next semester. I think it was the perfect position for me and am excited to use the things I've learned in the roles I have back at school.

There were so many fun things that happened throughout the summer. The first weekend I was there my dad surprised me and showed up in Tyler. He was on a layover a few hours away and decided to drive and come see me. It was so neat to be able to show him around Pine Cove and the place I've called "home" the past two summers.
It was fun being able to spend the weekend with Dad. He was really impressed by all the camps and wanted to know if he could work there part time mowing grass and pulling weeds. He said his camp name would be "Weed Eater" haha


Arts and Crafts. The activity class I taught this summer and grew to love. It was the perfect balance throughout the day as I got to spend time with the campers and get to know them. We usually had the same girls throughout the week which made the classes so much more fun. The first week a few of the girls taught us how to make friendship bracelets and that became the theme of the summer. I made more of those than I can count and learned and taught so many different styles. After a few weeks we started making bandana bracelets and headbands, which were a huge hit. The girls loved them (and so did we I must say.) I think by the end of the summer most staff had at least something that was made in Arts and Crafts. I had so much fun hanging out with the campers every day and loving on them while crafting and chatting.
On the morning of the Fourth of July, one of the girls was telling us about a parade that she was supposed to be in back home but was missing it to be at camp. So we decided to make a parade of our own and went around camp singing patriotic songs...God Bless the USA.

The majority of my summer though was spent in the Ponderosa and the Ranch kitchen - a place that I practically consider home. We were responsible for all three meals every day as well as snack and making sure the Ponderosa was clean and always ready for the different activities. After dinner every night we would put all the tables away and get ready for club and our theme night. Then at night we would turn it back into the dining hall for breakfast the next morning. I loved helping with all the meals - it's amazing what all goes on behind the scenes. Dishes for 300 people three times a day will make you rethink why dishes for five people ever seemed like a big deal haha but time spent in the kitchen was always so fun.

There is a picture like this every summer of the Chaos crew so of course we had to take one. It's Zach who was the Work Crew Director and the four Chaos girls. Such a great group!

But of course it wouldn't be complete without the band members. Never a dull moment.

Some favorite memories...

Every Friday we got a huge shipment for dry storage - meaning there were boxes galore. So one week after lunch I decided to put the boxes to good use and make my brother proud by reliving our childhood and making a fort. I couldn't find many helpers at first, but when they saw the finished product it was too great not to play in.
One Saturday on closing day our Program Director asked me if I wanted to help him talk about Winterfest on stage. Not knowing what all it would entail, I said yes...and consequently became Ellie the Elf every Saturday.
Every Thursday night, we play Commando - which the campers absolutely love. Zach and I were closing out dinner and Jiggs, a legend at the Ranch and the Commando Boss, of course came up to deliver his favorite motto..."Campers Always Lose."
Throughout the summer, I got to see some of my campers from last summer. It was so fun getting to hang out with them again and hear about their 6th grade year. Love these sweet girls more than they know.
On the weekends, Pine Cove staff loves going to Andy's Frozen Custard. It's always packed on Saturday nights. This was one weekend spent with Hannah and Hannah - two of my favorites. Loved hanging out with these two all the time.
Week Five was one of my favorites because my little sister got to come to camp! She was at the Shores, which is the high school camp. I didn't get to see her throughout the week, but we sent a few letters back and forth. She loved her experience and it was neat to hear about camp from the other side. I loved that my family got to come and send her off, but also meet everyone who made my summer so great. Pine Cove is definitely loved by my whole family.
In the Ponderosa, there are always apples, bananas, and oranges out during the meals. Well, it became a joke that the girl on one of the boxes reminded them of "Sweet Apple Tea..."
Every day at lunch "Scraperhead" comes out and chooses one of the campers to be Scraperhead along with a cheer that goes something like... "Scraperhead, Scraperhead, YOU are scrape everything and more! 1..2..3...4 you may scrape my plate and more... 5..6..7...8 c'mon baby scrape my dirty dirty plate..." The campers love it...and the staff does too because they get to watch someone be Scraperhead for the day. Well, the last day I talked Zach into being Scraperhead and I dressed up as his sponge.

Pine Cove Chi Omegas...


A night of hard goodbyes...

Pine Cove Ranch 2013...

...six weeks I'll never forget.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you were able to be a part of this camp again! Even though your experience was completely different from last year, it looks like you had the time of your life! Love the fort! :) <3
