Wednesday, July 27, 2016


One word...One place...
So many meanings...
A place where memories are made, families thrive, joy outlasts, and tears are shed...
A place where you can be yourself, where you learn little lessons, and tackle big moments...
A place where your little self becomes your grown-up self, but a place where you never forget how to be your little-girl self...
A place where pictures are taken, and moments are framed, where you learn how to forgive, and truly how to love...
A place where you share a cup of tea, enjoy meals around the table, and sit in rocking chairs for hours at a time...
A place where big decisions were made, and life paths were decided, a place where you learned to put your faith in the One who knows most of all...
And a place that becomes a reminder that this really isn't our home at all...
A place that has become more than a place...but a piece of who you are and who you want to be...
I am forever thankful for my "home." 
And the blessing of one word, one place, that is now becoming more than a home, but a piece of who I will always be...

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