Sticky're just going through your day, grocery shopping and picking up small things you need, and you reach down to put a bunch of bananas in your cart, and it happens...your hand becomes sticky at the first touch of a banana. Your inner self is consoling with a sometimes small but sometimes very large, "Nooooo!" and you feel like the rest of your grocery trip, and day, will just go downhill from there. You can't seem to get the sticky off your hands and it almost feels like it's rubbing off and everything you and your banana touches.
How often do I look at these small incidents as 'day-breakers,' when in all actuality they are not as big as they seem. Things are still ok, you are going to make it, and God is still good. I still have to remind myself daily, that when I touch a sticky banana, or when things don't go as planned, instead of the stickiness rubbing off on all other areas of the day, I have to re-orient myself back to truth, back to Scripture, back to relying on something more than myself and knowing that life is sweeter and too full of blessing to harp on the little 'sticky' happenings. It's a life-lesson I think I will always be learning, but I hope that each time it happens I rely more on Jesus than I did the day before.
How often do I look at these small incidents as 'day-breakers,' when in all actuality they are not as big as they seem. Things are still ok, you are going to make it, and God is still good. I still have to remind myself daily, that when I touch a sticky banana, or when things don't go as planned, instead of the stickiness rubbing off on all other areas of the day, I have to re-orient myself back to truth, back to Scripture, back to relying on something more than myself and knowing that life is sweeter and too full of blessing to harp on the little 'sticky' happenings. It's a life-lesson I think I will always be learning, but I hope that each time it happens I rely more on Jesus than I did the day before.
"We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." - Colossians 1:11-14Now that will put our sticky bananas into perspective compared to our life of truth and joy, for He has rescued us and forgiven our sins and by His grace, we now live in the light!! What a sweet and gentle reminder in a grocery store full of sticky bananas and a life filled with little 'day-breakers.'