Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Frame This Moment

One semester, many hours, 10 tabs, and 130 pages later...a completed unit.

The key assessment and huge project of second semester was to completely write a Unit from start to finish. Harper and I chose 3rd grade weather and called our unit The Winds of Change. It was fun working with Harps and we finished our unit on my birthday, which was the best gift. This feeling and moment was definitely one to frame!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Frame This Moment

Coming back to a 5th grade class full of students' hugs and sweet cards.

I had to leave my Clinical early because of a sickness and came back about a week later to say goodbye and give a few goodies. In return and completely by surprise, they showered me with sweet Get Well Soon cards. I was overwhelmed and will never forget these sweet students. Definitely a moment to frame.